counselling for anxiety

Did you know that every person on the planet feels anxiety? It’s true. Biologically, our bodies are wired to alert us to potential threats and to keep us safe.

The Brain’s Alarm System

When our brains alert us of a threat, our nervous system responds by going into fight, flight, or freeze mode to prepare us to respond appropriately to the thing or situation that is putting us at risk.  Our heart rates speed up, our breathing becomes shallow, and we may get sweaty palms. Some people experience the need to urinate or get diarrhea. 

It’s like our brains are saying “Watch out, there’s a bear!” Luckily for us, the triggers for anxiety are not usually immediate threats to our safety anymore but our brains don’t always know that! Triggers can be random, or they could be traumatic memories from our past. When we feel anxiety and our bodies respond, our brains and bodies are doing exactly what they are designed to do!

The Impact of Persistent Anxiety

For some of us, anxiety travels around with us like a constant companion. Others may experience it on a more infrequent basis. Anxiety becomes problematic when it begins to cause disruptions in our daily lives and routines. 

Pathways to Managing Anxiety

Disordered anxiety can be treated. Although we can’t get rid of anxiety completely, there are ways to work through troubling anxiety to make it more manageable in your life.  During counselling sessions, your therapist can provide you with tools to equip you to better manage your anxiety. None of us were meant to do this alone. 

Final Words

Unsure if therapy is right for you? Call 705-327-5400 to book a complimentary phone consultation with one of our therapists.

megan warnica registered social worker, psychotherapist miller health orillia
Written by: Megan Warnica, Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist

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